Physical approaches do not embed any electronic elements into the book. In this chapter, we investigate physical and digital approaches to the book augmentation. Between the two poles of physical and digital, there is an emerging field where physical is being augmented by digital and vice versa. Reading is a complex process that is changing dramatically during the ongoing evolution from purely physical books to digital ones.

The evidence of learning is analyzed in terms of feedback to children, parents, product designers, and scholars, with the ultimate goal of expanding children's access to high-quality, playful learning opportunities around the world.
#Leapfrog sight words app Offline
The chapter further discusses the design of learning and assessment for the Tag Reading System in terms of original design principles and two additional ones that support the learning ecosystem: guiding the direction of learning with a core curriculum, and connecting it across settings-among products, to offline activities, and over the course of a child's personal learning journey. From its beginning, the design of LeapPad books was guided by three foundational learning design principles that continue to shape product development at LeapFrog: engagement, use of ICT to enhance other activity patterns, and assess performance with forms of feedback afforded by each platform.
#Leapfrog sight words app software
This computer-enhanced book reader included a laptop-sized electronic base encased in sturdy plastic, an attached stylus, and a companion software cartridge. In 1999 LeapFrog launched an innovative early literacy product named LeapPad. Through play with toys, children learn to think about cause-and-effect relationships among objects in their world, build the capacity for sharing and collaboration with peers, practice social roles, develop language skills, regulate their own emotional reactions to success and failure, and control their bodies with greater precision. They have long been used as carry-along props that engage children in a range of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Toys are the original mobile learning technology for children. This chapter traces the evolution of learning design at LeapFrog Enterprises, a California-based toy company, from standalone products to an online/offline-learning ecosystem.